
Stay Prepared This Hurricane Season: Know Your Zone!


Good afternoon!

I hope you enjoyed your July 4th. Remember my last email saying how time is flying?  Yup…July 4th has come and gone already!

We are in hurricane season and Texas has already experienced one.  Do you know your zone for hurricane evacuations? Norfolk City Council received a great presentation that in essence served as a good education for us and the community on how to prepare for the season. NOAA predicts a higher than normal hurricane season. While I am in Zone A on my street in West Ghent others in the neighborhood are in different zones. Go to knowyourzoneva.org and type in your address to find out your zone so that if an evacuation of your zone is announced you are well prepared.  Also, sign up at norfolk.gov/alerts to receive weather alerts and other announcements for critical situations.

With the start of the new fiscal year – FY25, many new projects and initiatives will start to get underway.  Be on the lookout for communications and announcements for these projects.  One thing I have observed while on Council is the long length of time it takes to get projects underway once approved and funded by the City Council.  Supply chain, available contractors and other elements factor in but I have discussed this with the City Manager to see how we can move faster. The longer we wait to implement then the more likely the costs will go up beyond what was budgeted.  Let’s just say I am encouraging the city to move faster.  Patience has not been my strong suit.

Have you visited the new Elizabeth River Project building on Colley Avenue?  It is wonderful.  The official opening was in June and more than 1000 visitors toured the facility.  It is an eco-designed building way ahead of its time.  Swing by and learn more how the Elizabeth River Project continues to make great strides making our waterways clean.

And, finally, I want to get on the water more. So, I bought an inflatable kayak that I plan to launch on the Elizabeth River, Lafayette River and wherever I can to see Norfolk by water.  ’Tis the season to be on the water.

Stay cool and be well.



Harborfest Weekend Celebration

Juneteenth Celebration at Town Point Park

Ghent Pride Celebration

Where I will launch my new inflatable kayak

Kayak hasn’t made it past the den. Looks fun though!

Grady playing fetch indoors. Ha!



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